Monday, 27 December 2010
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Make XP auto login
Click Start > Run and type
Select the user account from the list (the account to which you want to automatically logon). Uncheck Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer option, and click Ok. Type the user account password and complete the process.
For Windows XP Home, don't try to auto-login as the built-in Administrator, as you'll receive an error message.
Thanks to site:
Select the user account from the list (the account to which you want to automatically logon). Uncheck Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer option, and click Ok. Type the user account password and complete the process.
For Windows XP Home, don't try to auto-login as the built-in Administrator, as you'll receive an error message.
Thanks to site:
Friday, 17 December 2010
Tracing ORA-01427
To Trace Oracle error ORA-01427
After the error occurs, see the trace generated in the udump directory.
To disable tracing:
Testing on 15 Dec 2010, now sql that caused the error, is listed on trace file.
SQL> alter system set events '1427 trace name ERRORSTACK level 10';
After the error occurs, see the trace generated in the udump directory.
To disable tracing:
SQL> alter system set events '1427 trace name ERRORSTACK off';
Testing on 15 Dec 2010, now sql that caused the error, is listed on trace file.
Stats Pack or AWR
Since none of my databases are Enterprice Licenced, I dont get to use AWR year on year.
So hence alwasy foget the AWR command, still surviving with the stats pack command.
Here's one that I need remember:
So hence alwasy foget the AWR command, still surviving with the stats pack command.
Here's one that I need remember:
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Munin 10+ cpu patch
for 10 or cpu box:
please login to lnx-db28.nid as root.
vi /usr/share/munin/plugins/cpu
search for NCPU
remove a space e.g.
To (Only removing the space after cpu.)
Restart munin node on that box
please login to lnx-db28.nid as root.
vi /usr/share/munin/plugins/cpu
search for NCPU
remove a space e.g.
NCPU=`expr \`grep '^cpu. ' /proc/stat | wc -l\` - 1`
To (Only removing the space after cpu.)
NCPU=`expr \`grep '^cpu.' /proc/stat | wc -l\` - 1`
Restart munin node on that box
/etc/init.d/munin-node restart
How to find the tables that have stale statistics?
How to find the tables that have stale statistics?
ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
dbms_stats.gather_database_stats(objlist=>ObjList, options=>'LIST STALE');
FOR i in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST
dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname || '.' || ObjList(i).ObjName || ' ' || ObjList(i).ObjType || ' ' || ObjList(i).partname);
ObjList dbms_stats.ObjectTab;
dbms_stats.gather_database_stats(objlist=>ObjList, options=>'LIST STALE');
FOR i in ObjList.FIRST..ObjList.LAST
dbms_output.put_line(ObjList(i).ownname || '.' || ObjList(i).ObjName || ' ' || ObjList(i).ObjType || ' ' || ObjList(i).partname);
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Found below link very useful:
Keeing a copy here, in case the orginal is moved or broken.
Discount Fixed
Step 1: Create a new button for the main screen.
Login as Admin and goto maintainence --> resources and add the following line to "Ticket.Buttons"
Step 2: Create a new resource called "Code.Discount" and add the follwing code to it.
Step 3: Add permission to who all can use this function.
Either Administrator, Manager or Employees etc...
The following line will be added to maintainence ==> roles.
Restart your POS and goto sales screen to check out your new button........ Viola
I would add one more step:
add following line in the located in Locales folder so a proper label on the button is placed.
Discount Percentag
Here is the code for a user entered discount percentage rate.
Pros: You can enter discount amount. i.e. 10% of total ticket entered as 10
20% of total ticket entered as 20 and so on
Cons: You can not remove the discount once entered. ( can anyone point me how to add this exception as it gives out a strange error )
Input this code in a new resource called "discount.Total"
now create a new button in "Ticket.Buttons"
and also add the permission in maintenance -> roles
Keeing a copy here, in case the orginal is moved or broken.
Discount Fixed
Step 1: Create a new button for the main screen.
Login as Admin and goto maintainence --> resources and add the following line to "Ticket.Buttons"
< button key="" name="" code="Code.Discount" />
Step 2: Create a new resource called "Code.Discount" and add the follwing code to it.
import com.openbravo.format.Formats;
import com.openbravo.pos.ticket.TicketLineInfo;
import com.openbravo.pos.ticket.TicketProductInfo;
discountamount = sales.getInputValue();
index = sales.getSelectedIndex();
if (index >= 0) {
line = ticket.getLine(index);
if (line.getPrice() > 0.0 && discountamount > 0.0) {
sdiscount = Formats.CURRENCY.formatValue(discountamount);
ticket.insertLine(index + 1,
new TicketLineInfo(
"Discount " + sdiscount,
sales.setSelectedIndex(index + 1);
} else {
} else {
Step 3: Add permission to who all can use this function.
Either Administrator, Manager or Employees etc...
The following line will be added to maintainence ==> roles.
< class name="" />
Restart your POS and goto sales screen to check out your new button........ Viola
I would add one more step:
add following line in the located in Locales folder so a proper label on the button is placed.
Discount Percentag
Here is the code for a user entered discount percentage rate.
Pros: You can enter discount amount. i.e. 10% of total ticket entered as 10
20% of total ticket entered as 20 and so on
Cons: You can not remove the discount once entered. ( can anyone point me how to add this exception as it gives out a strange error )
Input this code in a new resource called "discount.Total"
// % Discount for the total of the receipt
import com.openbravo.format.Formats;
import com.openbravo.pos.ticket.TicketLineInfo;
import com.openbravo.pos.ticket.TicketProductInfo;
import java.util.Properties;
discountperc = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Input percentage.....");
double discountrate = Double.parseDouble(discountperc);
discountrate = discountrate/100.00;
total = ticket.getTotal();
if (total > 0.0) {
sdiscount = Formats.PERCENT.formatValue(discountrate);
taxes = ticket.getTaxLines();
for (int i = 0; i < taxes.length; i++) {
taxline = taxes[i];
new TicketLineInfo(
"Discount " + sdiscount + " of " + taxline.printSubTotal(),
-taxline.getSubTotal() * discountrate,
sales.setSelectedIndex(ticket.getLinesCount() - 1);
} else {
now create a new button in "Ticket.Buttons"
< button key="" name="" code="discount.Total" />
and also add the permission in maintenance -> roles
< class name="" />
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Temp tablespace
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_n TEMPFILE '/u01/oracle/oradata/NIDEV/temp_01.dbf' SIZE 500M
autoextend off extent management local UNIFORM SIZE 1M;
alter database default temporary tablespace temp_n;
col PROPERTY_VALUE for a40
col DESCRIPTION for a40
select * from database_properties;
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Fix broken objects
As sys user run:
As sys user run:
-- A check
col OBJECT_NAME for a30
select owner, object_name, object_type from dba_objects where status = 'INVALID';
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Thursday, 26 August 2010
mysql and phpmyadmin and char issue
Below is the trick that fixes the charter issue when importing data via phpmyadmin.
SET NAMES 'utf8';
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
RMAN Disaster recovery, on different host
Disaster recovery (or clone db) using RMAN on different host.
- Basic version: This will restore .dbf, .ctl & .log to original location and assumes the rman backup in are in same location.
- Advance version: Marked as optional steps, restore all db files to different location and rman backup are in different location.
Summary of RMAN Disaster recovery
1. Export the SID
2. Create the folders [?dump, oradata, arch]
3. Startup nomount
4. Restore spfile
5. (optional) Change the .ctl + archive location, using pfile
6. Restore control file
7. Force mount the database
8. (optional) Catalog the backup file
9. (optional) RMAN 'set newname' for restore file, restore to different location, needs to be done before the restore command.
10. Restore database
11. (optional) rename datafiles, Use below to restore to different location, needs to be done before the recover command.
12. Recover database
13. Open database, reset log
14. Take a new backup of database
Below sites came useful in doing this (Backup and Recovery Reference, chap RESET DATABASE)
- Basic version: This will restore .dbf, .ctl & .log to original location and assumes the rman backup in are in same location.
- Advance version: Marked as optional steps, restore all db files to different location and rman backup are in different location.
Summary of RMAN Disaster recovery
1. Export the SID
2. Create the folders [?dump, oradata, arch]
3. Startup nomount
4. Restore spfile
5. (optional) Change the .ctl + archive location, using pfile
6. Restore control file
7. Force mount the database
8. (optional) Catalog the backup file
9. (optional) Rman 'set newname' for restore file
10. restore database;
11. (optional) rename datafiles
12. recover database;
13. alter database open resetlogs;
14. Take a new backup of database
1. Export the SID
2. Create the folders [?dump, oradata, arch]
mkdir /u01/oracle/admin/PRDB1
mkdir /u01/oracle/admin/PRDB1/adump
mkdir /u01/oracle/admin/PRDB1/bdump
mkdir /u01/oracle/admin/PRDB1/cdump
mkdir /u01/oracle/admin/PRDB1/udump
mkdir /u01/oracle/oradata/PRDB1
mkdir /u11/oracle/oradata/PRDB1
mkdir /u21/oracle/oradata/PRDB1
mkdir /u31/oracle/arch_PRDB1
3. Startup nomount
$ rman target /
RMAN> startup nomount;
-- Will give you error, and say can't open initPRDB1.ora
4. Restore spfile
RMAN> restore spfile from '/mnt/restore/PRDB1_cf_c-1795524320-20100511-00';
5. (optional) Change the .ctl + archive location, using pfile
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$ strings spfilePRDB1.ora > initPRDB1.ora
$ mv spfilePRDB1.ora xxspfilePRDB1.oraxx
RMAN> shutdown immediate;
RMAN> startup nomount;
-- Modify the *.control_files and *.log_arc parameters (e.g. all go to /u01)
6. Restore control file
RMAN> restore controlfile from '/mnt/restore/PRDB1_cf_c-1795524320-20100511-00';
7. Force mount the database
RMAN> startup force mount;
8. (optional) Catalog the backup file
RMAN> catalog start with '/mnt/restore';
9. (optional) RMAN 'set newname' for restore file, restore to different location, needs to be done before the restore command.
set line 150
set pagesize 100
col NEW_FILE_NAME for a100
select 'set newname for datafile ' || FILE_ID || ' to ' || ''''|| FILE_NAME || ''';'
as NEW_FILE_NAME from dba_data_files;
select 'set newname for tempfile ' || FILE_ID || ' to ' || ''''|| FILE_NAME || ''';'
as NEW_FILE_NAME from dba_temp_files;
run {
set newname for datafile 1 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/system01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 2 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/undotbs01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 9 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/PRDB1_BLOB_DATA_02.dbf';
set newname for datafile 10 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1
set newname for datafile 19 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/PRDB1_BLOB_DATA_11.dbf';
set newname for tempfile 1 to '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/temp01.dbf';
restore database;
10. Restore database
RMAN> restore database;
11. (optional) rename datafiles, Use below to restore to different location, needs to be done before the recover command.
set line 150
set pagesize 100
col RENAME_SQL for 150
-- data files
select 'alter database rename file '''|| NAME || ''' to ' || ''''|| NAME || ''';'
as RENAME_SQL from v$datafile;
-- redo logs
select 'alter database rename file '''|| NAME || ''' to ' || ''''|| NAME || ''';'
as RENAME_SQL from v$tempfile;
-- temp files
select 'alter database rename file ''' || lf.MEMBER || ''' to ''' || lf.MEMBER || ''';'
as RENAME_SQL from v$logfile lf, v$log l where =;
-- Run above output via SqlPLus session
alter database rename file '/u02/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/redo02.log'
to '/u01/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/redo02.log';
alter database rename file '/u31/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/redo03.log'
to '/u01/oracle/oradata/PRDB1/redo03.log';
12. Recover database
RMAN> recover database;
-- Will give error since can't find 'unable to find archive log'
13. Open database, reset log
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
14. Take a new backup of database
RMAN> backup database;
Below sites came useful in doing this (Backup and Recovery Reference, chap RESET DATABASE)
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