Sunday, 23 October 2011

Three types of self or states of spiritual development

There are three types of self or states of spiritual development that have been mentioned in the Qur’an.
The lowest of these is called Nafs Ammarah (12:53), the self that is prone to evil.
Nafs Lawwamah (75:2) is the self that feels conscious of doing evil, resists, repents and tries to amend.
The highest stage of all is Nafs Mutma’innah (89:27) which is when the self achieves full peace and happiness.
Our objectives is to control Nafs Ammarah that urges us to fulfill our baser instincts with no thought for the consequences and ultimately achieve the inner peace that comes Nafs Mutma’innah.

Imam Shafi has rightly said in one of his poetics verses:
“We blame time and the fault is in us,
There is no fault in time except us.”
(Diwan ash-Shafi)

Taken from ‘The Intelligent Heart, The Pure Hear’ by Dr Gohar Mushtaq (Ta Ha)

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