Thursday, 7 February 2013

Zen cart change number of zones from 3

(Zone by continent)

By default, the module comes with support for 3 zones. This can be easily altered with a coding change by editing the Zones Shipping Module file (If you make this change and your Zones module is already installed/active, you'll need to record your settings, then click Remove, then click Install, and re-enter all your settings. Otherwise your change will have peculiar visual side-effects).
/includes/ modules/ shipping/ zones.php // CUSTOMIZE THIS SETTING FOR THE NUMBER OF ZONES NEEDED $this->num_zones = 3; }
Next, you will want to activate the module by going to the Admin, point your cursor at Modules, then clicking on Shipping. A list of all shipping modules should appear. Click on Zone Shipping. Click on the install button.

1: Great Britain
2: Austria, Belgium, , France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Holland/Netherlands, Denmark, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Israel, Greece
3: USA, Canada
4: Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong
5: (Other, inc India, UAE)

When you enter these country lists, enter them into the Zone X Countries fields, where "X" is the number of the zone. They should be entered as two character ISO country codes in all capital letters. They should be separated by commas with no spaces or other punctuation. For example:

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